10 fev 2016

What have YOU been doing to improve? (Part 5) *

*O texto a seguir foi escrito para a revista  Braz-Tesol Newsletterde dezembro/2015.  Nesse blog, ele será publicado em 10 postagens, todas as sextas-feiras.

10 questions that will help you boost your skills – both as a teacher and as an English speaker

5. Have you been observing your peers?


Observing our peers can be enlightening. From observation we learn new activities and new ways of addressing problems. We have a chance to check what works well and what does not, and also how students are really feeling and responding.

After participating in a lesson as an observer, we inevitably ask ourselves: “Do I give instructions as clearly as my peer does?”; “How could my peer have improved that certain part of the lesson?”; “Did the students feel comfortable doing that?”; “Why don’t I try to do that next time?”.

Nothing makes you more aware of your own practice than observation. And that leads to our next topic.

Para ler as quatro primeiras partes desse post, clique aquiaquiaqui e aqui