29 jan 2016

What have YOU been doing to improve? (Part 4) *

*O texto a seguir foi escrito para a revista  Braz-Tesol Newsletterde dezembro/2015.  Nesse blog, ele será publicado em 10 postagens, todas as sextas-feiras.

10 questions that will help you boost your skills – both as a teacher and as an English speaker


4. Have you been attending courses and events for teachers?

Once again: We are fortunate people because we teach a language which is everywhere. And we are also very, very fortunate because there is a considerable lot for us when it comes to training courses.

Courses like the Cambridge CELTA, ICELT and DELTA are life-changing and totally worth the investment – and they can be taken here in Brazil. Good quality training courses for teachers are also organized and offered by some local schools. Congresses, conferences and exhibitions are spread around the country; not to mention the amount of free workshops which are offered by bookshops, publishing houses and schools.

Participating in events for teachers (BRAZ-TESOL, APLIS, IATEFL, TESOL, to mention a few) is fantastic as it is a great opportunity for us to debate with our peers. We get to know excellent professionals who have a lot to share – it keeps the knowledge ball rolling.

Para ler as três primeiras partes desse post, clique aquiaqui e aqui