22 jan 2016

What have YOU been doing to improve? (Part 3) *

*O texto a seguir foi escrito para a revista  Braz-Tesol Newsletterde dezembro/2015.  Nesse blog, ele será publicado em 10 postagens, todas as sextas-feiras.

10 questions that will help you boost your skills – both as a teacher and as an English speaker


3. Have you taken any international English certification?

A fact: My English was at its best when I was getting ready for the Cambridge CPE. Topics 1 and 2 from this article are much easier to be accomplished when we have goals, and obtaining an international certification is one of the most motivating I know.

Proficiency exams require a lot of preparation and focus, but as we are awarded a passing grade, we are also granted our students’ admiration – yes, they love to know you are certified.

Moreover, teachers who have taken exams themselves are better prepared to help students who are trying to do the same; not only do they know the language, they also know the strategies to tackle the exam, and even better, they have been through the emotional part of it.

The cherry on the cake is that certified teachers are more likely to be offered better paying jobs, and – why not? – different jobs –being an examiner is an example.

Para ler as duas primeiras partes desse post, clique aqui e aqui.